Saturday 2 December 2017

WHO : Assistance Required!

I am a very big supporter of WHO. THEY ARE THE CUTTING EDGE of finding solutions for problems , the rest of the world is paying no attention to...or simply don't care about what is going on in the world.
Television news shows would rather talk about Trump and his fooleries. I don't watch television...even if I'm on it.
Just because it doesn't directly affect you, does not mean you should not do your part to assist. Donations, professionals (ie) Doctors who donate their time., Give of Your Time.....Volunteer! Anything you are capable of doing...please, Help !
I would give anything to be an Ambassador or Diplomat for WHO. I have found my calling at a later age. I hope I can fulfill My Dream.
Just because it does not AFFECT YOU... does NOT make it go away.
It very well could spread...just like other viruses and illnesses.
I am just playing with a quick and incomplete skeleton of ideas.
Given a chance...I would very aggressively address the illnesses and hunger in Africa, for example.
Please support WHO! Send any type of donations you possibly can.
If YOU were to see the disastrous afflictions other HUMAN BEINGS are unfortunate to be experiencing. LOOK at the videos and photos distributed by WHO. READ articles like this one.
Let's care for each other!

Warmest Regards and Prayers that shall Help fellow Human BEINGS!. Let us get involved in any way possible. There is no excuse if you dont do what you can to assist an End to all of these outrageous barbarities.

Stephie Pahlavi Zan

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