Wednesday 25 April 2018

Brand New Story ~ To the People of Iran

Let us not ponder upon the past. It will simply take us backwards.
Look to the future and start fresh.
Put all of your energy and thoughts into a brand new unblemished tomorrow.
It is of the essence.
Don't dream of something you have no idea about.
Don't drive in reverse.
The past is full of cobwebs and dust.
The future is new and clean.
Don't imagine that the past is better than where you are right now.
Move forward.
If you are in a bad place, change it for the better, brighter and new you.
Stephie Pahlavi Zan

Monday 16 April 2018

Down or Up

 I have always had parents that were controlling and I received only conditional love. My first 3 cars were Mercedes.....very nice cars but if I did not do what they said, they would take it away. Everything came with strings. I said I wanted to be an actor when I was a kid. My parents said, "Not everyone can be another Paul Newman." Ironically I went to Boarding School with his daughter and we would go to her house in Westport, CT. and naturally met her famous parents. Whether you want to play actor at home or for a living, the only person you need permission from is yourself. Staying alive is good, but feeling alive is better!
Stephie Pahlavi Zan

Saturday 7 April 2018

Death Drama Queens

No matter what the relationship was, once someone dies... they border on Sainthood. Everything has a self- serving need to be part of the life of   the deceased since   they, for lack of a better word  
The Star of the Moment.
It is sick and twisted,
however, people who didn't really know the deceased
come out
of the woodwork and want to get in on the
limelight of Death...
Death Drama Queens! 
~~~~~~~ Stephie Pahlavi Zan

Friday 6 April 2018

I Love You Always...Marry Me.

When I'm thinking about how beautiful you are......I stroke your face with my hand

When you cry.....I wipe away your tears

When you feel happy.....I feel  happy also.

When you feel blue.....I am your cheerleader

There are so many things and occassions that I will be there for you.

This is how I know I want to Marry You!


Stephie Pahlavi Zan

Wednesday 4 April 2018

I Love Dogs

"If someone does not love dogs... don't trust them." 
Stephie Pahlavi Zan

Sunday 1 April 2018

Eternal Love

Call on Me...
Call on Me..
Call on Me.

I am the Lover you dreamt about in your Angel filled Dreams.

I have sat awaiting your love for an eternity.

Please do not shun Me for I shall die.

My entire existance is the pure essence of You, My dear.

How you have entrapped Me like a Siren.

If I had known what I know now ..

If only I had known what I know now.

I do not wish to exhibit My Undying Love for You, My dear.

However it is completely Transparent.


and see me.

I am your Destiny.
Stephie Pahlavi Zan