Wednesday 5 October 2016

My Mask

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My Mask is very hot and I can hardly breath in it.
Hiding the hurt, hiding the pain
I Hide the tears that stream down my face 

and cause me to feel like I am drowning.
Saying I'm fine, when I'm anything but.
This ache in my soul rips me apart from within.
My skin is on fire, I burn from within.
The calm on my face is my mask.
The world must stay away, I have built up a wall...a tall and strong one.
Loneliness consumes me, it eats away the years and tears.

It is like a bad nightmare...but you do wake up from it.
Stephie Pahlavi Zan
Depression has a different quality than the normal range of sadness that you may feel throughout the day. When you are depressed you do not feel like being with anybody. You either sleep way more than usual or you can hardly sleep at all. Similarly, your appetite is either nonexistent or increases dramatically. Your energy level goes way down and you have a feeling of hopelessness about life. As difficult as it may be it is important to get out of the house and get some help. You are not alone.

Depression has a different quality than the normal range of sadness that you may feel throughout the day. When you are depressed you do not feel like being with anybody. You either sleep way more than usual or you can hardly sleep at all. Similarly, your appetite is either nonexistent or increases dramatically. Your energy level goes way down and you have a feeling of hopelessness about life. As difficult as it may be it is important to get out of the house and get some help. You are not alone.


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