Saturday, 18 August 2018

Follow Your Dream

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You must follow your passion. 
You have got to figure out what it is you love and who you really are. 
Furthermore, you must have the courage to do so.
Follow your own dream.
Stephie Pahlavi Zan

Mediocre Life

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No amount of security is worth the suffering of a mediocre life chained to a routine that has killed your dreams.
Stephie Pahlavi Zan

Friday, 17 August 2018

Carry and Bear

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Physical strength is measured by what we carry.
Inner strength is measured by what we can bear.

Wednesday, 15 August 2018


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Sometimes you don't realize your own strength
Until you come face to face with 
Your greatest weaknesses .
Stephie Pahlavi Zan

Tuesday, 14 August 2018

True Friends

Image result for animated true friend gifsTrue Friends 
are those rare people who actually care about
what you are going through.
Stephie Pahlavi Zan

Commanding belt holes

Image result for belt holes animated gifs images
Are you still letting your belt holes tell you how to wear your pants?
Stephie Pahlavi Zan

Saturday, 4 August 2018

Think about it.

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Don’t raise your voice, 
improve your argument.
Stephie Pahlavi Zan

Friday, 3 August 2018

Keep your mind focused

See the source imageHaters are only distractions from your greater purpose. When you achieve your goals and success is no longer out of your comfort zone, not only will the haters be forgotten, but they will assuredly be looked upon as the prodigious fools that they are....
Stephie Pahlavi Zan

Strength from Hardship

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Your strength doesn't come from 
winning and luxury. 
It comes from 
struggles and hardship. Everything that 
you go through prepares you for the 
next level.
You will be stronger than before!
Don't wish for it.
Work for it.
Stephie Pahlavi Zan

Wednesday, 1 August 2018


If you say My Eyes are Beautiful.... is because They are Looking at You!
Stephie Pahlavi Zan